Your gift may be doubled—or tripled!—if your employer has a matching gift program for employee contributions.
More Ways to Give
There are many ways to help ensure that the Women’s Refugee Commission can help to improve the lives and protect the rights of women, children, and youth displaced by conflict and crisis.

Donate Through Your Employer's Matching Gift Program

Donate Appreciated Stock or Mutual Funds
Learn more about how to donate stocks to WRC.

Give Through a Donor-Advised Fund
Support WRC by making a gift through a donor-advised fund.

Support WRC When You Shop
Support WRC when you use your American Express card through the JustGiving program.

Make WRC a Part of Your Legacy
Create a lasting legacy by including WRC in your will or as a beneficiary to your life insurance, living trust, or qualified retirement plan. Please contact Development at 1-212-551-3122 for more information.

Donate by Mail
If you prefer to mail your donation, checks can be made out to “Women’s Refugee Commission” and sent to:
Women’s Refugee Commission
15 West 37th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10018