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Addressing Sexual Violence against Men, Boys, and LGBTQ+ Refugees Learnings from Pilot Projects Cover Image

Addressing Sexual Violence against Men, Boys, and LGBTQ+ Refugees: Learnings from Pilot Projects in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Italy/Bulgaria


In 2018 and 2019, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) undertook exploratory qualitative research on sexual violence against men and boys (including those with diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identity/expression) in three refugee settings: Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar), Italy, and urban Kenya. During the data collection process, in-country partners were identified to pilot projects to support uptake of sexual violence services for male and LGBTQ+ survivors. This report presents a synthesis of the key learnings from the pilots and outlines top recommendations.

Africa Asia Bangladesh Europe Italy Kenya LGBTQI Community Men and Boys Youth Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Reports