Guide for Protection in Cash-Based Interventions
PublishedCash-based interventions (CBIs) are a powerful tool to support refugees, but they can have serious implications for protection risks. This guide identifies minimum necessary information and key resources to help practitioners consider and monitor protection risks and benefits throughout the CBI program cycle.
This guide can inform interventions in any program context: protection mainstreaming into sectoral programs, joint programs such as protection and livelihoods, and protection programs, such as child protection programs that include cash transfers to caretakers. It is aimed at program managers and technical experts across all areas or sectors of humanitarian response, including protection experts. It uses a community-based approach and participatory methods.
Practitioner Guide
A guide to considering, mitigating and monitoring protection risks and enhancing protection benefits in CBI programs.
Risks and Benefits Analysis Tool
Questions for practitioners to assess the protection risks and benefits of a given intervention, both for design and monitoring purposes.
Training Module
Materials for a one-day training, including slides, a facilitators’ guide, case studies, and other materials