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Displaced Women and Girls At Risk Cover Image

Displaced Women and Girls At Risk: Risk Factors, Protection Solutions and Resource Tools


There is a growing understanding among practitioners and policy makers that the experiences of women and girls vary significantly from that of men during flight, in exile and once peace has been brokered or populations return home. Less, however, is understood about the many forms of violence and risks to women’s safety and wellbeing during various phases of displacement, and how to address them.

This paper and accompanying checklists build on research, reports and tools developed by the University of New South Wales’ Centre for Refugee Research to better understand what places women at risk, and how to respond to immediate needs and prevent further harm to their safety and well-being. In addition to supporting the work of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, this document is an effort to broaden the understanding of field-based practitioners in the humanitarian community about women and girls at risk so as to engage them in more effectively addressing the protection needs and protection solutions of women and girls.