Biden Family-Reunification Task Force Caught Up in Delayed Transition
Nearly a month after Joe Biden announced plans to create a federal task force to track down the parents of more than 600 immigrant children who remain separated from them as a result of the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy, attorneys working on the issue say they have yet to be consulted by the campaign.
In the meantime, the ACLU, along with a court-appointed steering committee of law firms and nongovernmental organizations, has been tasked with tracking down the members of those families—a slow and arduous process relying on batches of manually collected data the government was court-ordered to produce for the families believed to have been separated during the pilot program.
“Any [contact] information the government had, which was spotty at best, is really outdated,” said Leah Chavla, a senior policy adviser at the Women’s Refugee Commission, one of the organizations on the court-appointed steering committee.
In addition to Yahoo News, this article was also featured in MSN-Microsoft News.