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Refugee Nonprofit Says Influx Of Minors Has "Nothing To Do With Immigration Reform"

The thousands of unaccompanied children from arriving at the Texas-Mexico border have become the latest pawns in the political battle over immigration reform, that's according to the nonprofit Women's Refugee Commission, who says this not a problem unique to United States.

Michelle Brané, director of the migrant rights and justice program with the Women's Refugee Commission, said everyone on Capitol Hill and beyond are trying to politicize the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors that are coming to Texas from Central America….

“It's a refugee-like situation,” Brané said. “People are fleeing a situation in Central America, and so we can't just deal with the problem here, we need to deal with this regionally. We need to look at what's happening in those three countries, why is it happening just in those three countries.”

Read the full article from Texas Public Radio.