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Women’s Refugee Commission Responds to the Arrest of Undocumented Domestic Abuse Victim

Washington, DC — On Wednesday, El Paso Times reported that last week, federal immigration agents went to the El Paso County Courthouse and arrested an undocumented woman who had just received a protective order alleging that she was a victim of domestic abuse. The article states that ICE may have received the tip from her alleged abuser.


The Women’s Refugee Commission is deeply disturbed by this situation, as this step taken by immigration authorities is antithetical to legislation that exists to protect domestic violence victims and survivors, regardless of their immigration status, from being held captive and manipulated by their abusers. This action reveals the administration’s intent to seize undocumented individuals at their most vulnerable. ICE’s actions undermine legislation and policies set in place to protect our communities and to fight crime and abuse.  

According to Michelle Brané, Director of the Migrants Rights and Justice Program at WRC:

“This kind of indiscriminate enforcement rewards criminals and sends victims deeper into the shadows. The Trump Administration is doing the exact opposite of what they claim and is terrorizing the lives of victims and survivors of crime and abuse. They are causing panic, tearing apart families, and putting women and children at risk. This is not simply an immigration issue. This is a human rights issue. The Women’s Refugee Commission finds the hasty actions of the federal immigration agents in El Paso reprehensible.”


For more information contact: Michelle Brané, MichelleB@wrcommission.orgTessa Wiseman, tessa@newpartners.com