Women’s Refugee Commission's Statement Regarding Appointment of Michelle Bachelet as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
New York, NY — Today, following the confirmation by the U.N. General Assembly of Michelle Bachelet as the new high commissioner for human rights, Women’s Refugee Commission Executive Director Sarah Costa issued the following statement:
“We warmly welcome the appointment of Michelle Bachelet as U.N. high commissioner for human rights and congratulate her on this assignment. The new high commissioner must use all the tools of diplomacy to protect and promote human rights, especially at a time when the rights of migrants and refugees are under attack in the U.S. and around the world.
“Ms. Bachelet’s experience makes her well prepared. Her tenure as Chile's first female president built on her career as a powerful women’s rights advocate. In addition, Ms. Bachelet had experienced first-hand human rights violations during the Pinochet military regime.
“We look forward to a dynamic partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights under the leadership of Ms. Bachelet. We stand ready to support her efforts globally, especially regarding the rights of migrants and refugees.
“The Women’s Refugee Commission acknowledges the outstanding work of her predecessor, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, who showed principle and courage in taking even the most powerful governments to task.”