Global Refugee Forum 2023 Mega-Pledge: Economic Inclusion and Social Protection
PublishedWRC Support for Refugee Self-Reliance and Economic Empowerment
The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) proudly announced a series of pledges at the Global Refugee Forum 2023, including this mega-pledge on economic inclusion and social protection. The forum is the largest international gathering on refugees, held December 13-15 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Impact Statement: By continuing to promote the global uptake of the Refugee Self-Reliance Index and support the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative, refugee rights will be expanded in refugee hosting countries and economic programs will target refugees, particularly historically under-served populations – refugee women, youth, persons with disabilities and LGBTQ+ persons.
Pledge: WRC will continue to resource and support the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative and promote global uptake of the Self-Reliance Index. WRC will use the evidence generated to advocate for the expansion of refugee rights in refugee hosting countries and increased donor support for economic programs targeting refugees, particularly historically under-served refugee populations.