Resources for Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Considerations in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Utilizing CVA in GBV Prevention and Response
Published | UpdatedEfforts to prevent and mitigate gender-based violence (GBV) should be a priority for all actors in all humanitarian response operations from the very start. GBV specialists lead interventions to address the consequences of GBV after it has happened. By mainstreaming GBV considerations in cash and voucher assistance (CVA) throughout the program cycle and by utilizing CVA within GBV case management services, where appropriate, CVA can be optimized as a tool to enhance the protection of crisis- and conflict-affected populations and to mitigate risks of recurrent violence, to promote recovery, and to build resilience.
Quick Links
Videos | Toolkits | Case Studies and Learning Briefs | Research Papers | Webinars | Guidance and Training Modules | Podcasts
- Roles and Responsibilities of Cash and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Actors (subtitles available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic)
- Cash. Dignity. Agency: How Cash Transfers Can Benefit Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Ecuador (subtitles available in English, Spanish, French, and Arabic)
Download the toolkit to see Section I for Mainstreaming GBV Considerations in CVA and Section II for Integrating CVA into GBV Case Management.
Toolkit: Section I
Mainstreaming GBV Considerations in CVA
Toolkit: Section II
Integrating CVA into GBV Case Management
- Protocol for GBV Case Workers for Assessing Survivors’ Financial Needs and Referring Clients of GBV Case Management for Cash Assistance
- Post-distribution Monitoring (PDM) Module for Cash Referrals for Survivors of GBV
Tackling the Integration of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response and Cash-Based Interventions
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
Case Studies & Learning Briefs
- Ecuador
- Ecuador (Spanish)
- Ecuador (French)
- Ecuador (Arabic)
- Indonesia, Uganda, and Ethiopia
- Iraq
- Iraq (English Summary)
- Iraq (Spanish)
- Iraq (French)
- Iraq (Arabic)
- Iraq (Arabic Summary)
- Jordan: Irbid and Mafraq
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa (English Summary)
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa (Spanish)
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa (French)
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa (Arabic)
- Jordan: Mafraq, Amman, and Zarqa (Arabic Summary)
- Niger
- Somalia
- Northwest Syria
- Northwest Syria (English Summary)
- Northwest Syria (Spanish)
- Northwest Syria (French)
- Northwest Syria (Arabic)
- Northwest Syria (Arabic Summary)
Practical Tools to Integrate Cash and GBV Programming
Cash and Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium Training
Utilizing CVA within GBV Case Management in Ecuador
Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream Presentation: Grand Bargain Cash Workstream Annual Meeting 2020
- Practical Tools to Integrate Cash and GBV Programming
- Practical Tools to Integrate Cash and GBV Programming (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Cash and Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium Training
- Cash and Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium Training (Presentation)
- Utilizing CVA within GBV Case Management in Ecuador
- Utilizing CVA within GBV Case Management in Ecuador (Presenation)
- Utilizing CVA within GBV Case Management in Ecuador (Spanish)
- Utilizing CVA within GBV Case Management in Ecuador (Spanish Presentation)
- Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream Presentation: Grand Bargain Cash Workstream Annual Meeting 2020
The Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Compendium
GBV Risk and Benefit Analysis Tool for CVA in Editable Format
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Arabic
- Amharic
- Bahasa Indonesian
- Bengali
- Burmese
- Dari
- Hausa
- Hindi
- Kiswahili
- Kurdish
- Nepali
- Pashto
- Portuguese
- Somali
- Thai
- Turkish
- Urdu
In-Person Training for Humanitarian Practitioners
This in-person training for humanitarian practitioners can be used across sectors for those who use CVA in their programming, GBV specialists who are considering using CVA in their programming, and humanitarian country team, coordinators and donors. The training is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and French.
Guidance and Training Modules
The Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Compendium
Designing Cash to Reduce Gender-Based Violence in Syria (Arabic)
Designing Cash Programming to Reduce Gender-Based Violence in Syria (English)
Guidance and Training Modules
GBV Risk and Benefit Analysis Tool for CVA in Editable Format
Guidance and Training Modules
In person overall facilitators’ guide
One-day training for Humanitarian Practitioners
In person one-day training for humanitarian practitioners across sectors who use CVA in their programming
One-day training for GBV Specialists
In person one-day training for GBV specialists who are considering using CVA in their programming
Six-Week Training for GBV Specialists
Online six-week training for GBV specialists who are considering using CVA in their programming
Half-day training for HCT, coordinators and donors
In person half-day training for members of the humanitarian country team, humanitarian coordinators and donors who advise and monitor teams and partners
Research Paper
Tackling the Integration of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response and Cash-Based Interventions
Research Paper
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
- Is Cash Assistance for GBV Survivors Advancing Inclusion? (Arabic) - 2022
- Is Cash Assistance for GBV Survivors Advancing Inclusion? - 2022
- Revisiting the Jordan Case Study: How to Link GBV Case Management Services with Cash Assistance - 2022
- More listening: Taking feedback to create and use more effective standards (English) - 2022
- It’s not a choice: Connecting Cash and GBV - 2022
- Move faster: Finding ways to support GBV survivors with cash services in Syria (English) - 2022
- Move faster: Finding ways to support GBV survivors with cash services in Syria (Arabic) - 2022
- Designing Cash to reduce Gender Based Violence in Syria (Arabic) Part 2 - 2021
- Designing Cash to reduce Gender Based Violence in Syria (Arabic) Part 1 - 2021
- Designing Cash Programming to Reduce Gender Based Violence in Syria (English) - 2021
- How can we integrate GBV programming and cash-based interventions: Jordan Case Study - 2018
- Where do cash-based interventions fit in programming for women’s protection and empowerment? - 2018